аааааааааааа EUROPEANа COURT








application ╣7363/04 лMikryukov v. Russian Federation


The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter Ц the European Court) gave notice of the application ╣ 7363/04 Mikryukov v. Russian Federation to the Russian Federation authorities. The application had been lodged with the European Court by Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Mikryukov, a Russian Federation national, underа Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Fights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter Ц the Convention).

The European Court, acting pursuant to Rule 54 з 2(b) of Rules of Court, made a decision to give notice of the application to the Russian Federation authorities and also invited them to submit their observations and answer the following questions.

1. Has the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 been fully enforced?

2. If this judgment has not been fully enforced, is this fact compatible with Article 6 of the Convention (see Burdov v. Russia, ╣ 59498/00, ECHR 2002-III)?

3. If this judgmentа referred to above is not fully enforced,а is its continuing non-enforcement compatible with the applicantТs right toа Уpeaceful enjoyment of possessionsФ within the meaning of Article of Protocol ╣ 1 to the Convention (see Burdov v. Russia, ╣ 59498/00, ECHR 2002-III)?

The Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights submit in the Memorandum that the application of Y.A. Mikryukov alleging violations, by the authorities of the Russian Federation , ofа his right under Article 6 з 1 of the Conventionа and Article 1 of the Protocol ╣ 1 to the Convention should be rejected by the European Court under Article 35 зз 1 and 4 of the Convention.

I strongly disagree with the conclusion stated above and arguments leading to this conclusion and consider it necessary to produce my objections to the European Court, that are as follows.






1.          The circumstances of the case:


In 1986 the applicant andа my principal Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Mikryukov worked at the plant УRostovenergoremontФ (У╨юёЄют¤эхЁуюЁхьюэЄФ) in Rostov-on-Don.

On 26 April 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster took place. The quick liquidation of the consequencesа requiredа civil specialistsа in the sphere of power engineering, that were engaged in the operation in Chernobyl voluntarily in contrast to the military men called up by military registration and enlistment office. In September 1986 Y.A. Mikryukov agreed to take part in energy equipment repairing operation voluntarily realizing the necessity of quick liquidation of the consequences of the disaster. He was dispatched to take part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the station. While participation in the operation from 1 October till 11 Octoberа 1986 he suffered from extensive exposure to radioactive emissions. In October 1992 he was established the disablement by medical commission of experts. The cause of disablement: УThe received multination concerning the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster.Ф Since then the disability of Y.A. Mikryukov was confirmed several times and at the present moment he is an invalidа withа the same cause of disablement.


On 15 May 1991 the Law ╣ 1244-1 УSOCIAL DEFENSE OF CITIZENS, UNDERGONE THE EXPOSURE TO RADIOACTIVE EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER STATION DISASTER.Ф (further - ╣1244-1а Chernobyl NPSа ) was passed in Russian Federation with the following editorships and changes.


Article 14 з 3 of the Law ╣ 1244-1 Chernobyl NPS guarantees to Y.A. Mikryukov:

УOne time provision with well-equipped living premises free regardless the period of permanent residence in this inhabited locality within 3 months since filing the application subject to declaration Еdestitute in improvementа of living premisesФ.

аAt the same time Article 5 part 1 of this Law establish:

УFinancing of the costs concerning the realization of the Law is exercised by federal budget. The financing should be for a specified purpose. Ф


Consequently it follows that the duty of financing of costs concerning the provision of Y.A. Mikryukov with living premises is imposed not on the bodies of self-government but on the State the Russian Federation.


In 1993 Y.A. Mikryukov lodged in the application to provide him with living premises on the grounds of Article 14 з 3 of the Law ╣ 1244-1 Chernobylа NPS. He was declared destitute in improvement of living premises by the decree of Administration of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 26 February 1993 ╣ 1377 and he was registered as the invalid of Chernobyl who has the right for provision with living premises.


In 1997 Y.A. Mikryukov was offered to realize his rightа for provision with living premises using registered state housing Certificate (шьхээющ уюёєфрЁёЄтхээ√щ цшыш∙э√щ ╤хЁЄшЇшърЄ).

Y.A. Mikryukov agreed to realize his rightа for provision with living premises in this way.

On 12 May 1997 he was given the registered housing Certificate (Series 4 ╣ 0017964 ).

On 25 August 1997 the aforesaid registered housing Certificate was delivered to the finance department of Administration of Rostov region for its further delivery to the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation for the purpose of compensation of the costs of the provided flat under the Procedure of housing CertificateТs giving out and paying off approved by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of Rostov Region of 03 March 1997 ╣ 67.а The purpose of its delivery was money for receiving of living premises.

After theа receiving of registered housing Certificate Y.A. Mikryukov was struck off the register of destitute in improvement of living premises as it was considered that afterа theа receiving of registered housing Certificate his right for providing him with living premises at the expense of the State Russian Federation was realized.

In July 1998 the Administration of Rostov region informed Y.A. Mikryukov about giving funds by Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation under his Certificate.

On 26 August 1998 Y.A. Mikryukov concluded contract of sale of flat at the secondary housing market that was notarized.

According to the terms of the contractа the Seller was covenant to sell the flat at the price of 230,000.00 Rur (the very amount given by the State for the financing of registered housing Certificate of Y.A. Mikryukov).

By the terms of the Contract the proprietary rights forа the flat was transferred to Y.A. Mikryukov after the receipt of money on the account ofа the Seller.

It is necessary to explain that regardless the fact that money allotted to Y.A. Mikryukov according to the Certificate was assigned for purchasing a house determined by the Law he could not dispose of it including transferring himself money on the account ofа the Seller.

The procedure ofа transferring money on the account ofа the Seller was imposed directly on the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation through Department of Exchequerа of Rostov Region that is determined by зз 8 and 16 of the Decree of the Head of Administration of Rostov region ╣ 67 of 3 March 1997 УThe provision with the housing Certificates of the invalids of Chernobyl and the family members of the invalids whoа were dead, destitute in improvement of their living premisesФ


According to the aforesaid circumstances Y.A. Mikryukovа could not dispose of the money allotted to him according to the Certificate for purchasing a house and transferring money on the account ofа the Seller.

In August 1998 an economic crisis happened and as a result the prices for the real estateа in Russia increased rapidly including Rostov-on-Don. It was impossible to buy the house with a floor-space corresponding to the Law for the money allotted to Y.A. Mikryukov according to the registered housing Certificate.

The money had not been transferred on the account ofа the Seller by the end of September 1998. As the result of the economic crisis the market-value of the flat Y.A. Mikryukov had intended to buyа increased appreciably. The Seller found out that the market-value of the flat became far more then 230,000.00 Rur, money had not been transferred on his account and refused from the sale of the flat on account of non-execution of the terms of the contract by Y.A. Mikryukov.

On 24 December 1998 Y.A. Mikryukov concluded a contract with УRostoDonServiceФ Ltd. (╬╬╬ У╨юёЄю─юэ╤хЁтшёФ) for share holding in house-building in Rostov-on-Don.

According to the terms of the contractа the money allotted to Y.A. Mikryukov according to the registered housing Certificate were to be transferred to УRostoDonServiceФ Ltd. for theа building of the flat that was afterwards transferred to Y.A. Mikryukov as his property.

The amount of money that were allotted according to the registered housing Certificate was not enough for the flat with the floor-space corresponding to the Law On standards of provision with living premises. But Y.A. Mikryukov in addition to the new flat intendedа to privatize the flat he reside. In that case total area of floor-space correspond to the regulations determined by the Law. But the privatization of the old flat became impossible because of bankruptcy of the organization theа house belonged to.

Therefore in August 2000 Y.A. Mikryukov had to file the application about the refusal from the building of the house and canceling a contract ofа 24 October 1998.

In October 2000 Y.A. Mikryukov filed theа application that as long as the received registered housing Certificate does not provide his housing right he has to return the registered housing Certificate and asked to restore him in the registry of invalids of Chernobyl, that have right for new flat in accordance with the rulings established by the Law.


Y.A. Mikryukovа was to be restored in the registry under the decree of the Mayor of the City of Rostov-on-Don ╣ 394 of 19 February 2001.

аIn fact Y.A. Mikryukovа was nor restored in the registry.


Then he lodged with the application to the court against the Administration of the Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don about his restoration in registry.

Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don in its judgment of 10 July 2001 allowed the claim. The Court obliged the Administration of Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don to restore him in the registry (the copy of the judgment is attached herewith).

This judgment of the Court was not appealedа against and came into effect on 23 July 2001.

In other wordsа this judgment became final.

After his restoration in the registry Y.A. Mikryukovа lodged with the application to Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don against the Administration of Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don about his provision with a flat on the grounds that Y.A. Mikryukovа was registered in registry since 1993 and the Law ╣1244-1а Chernobyl NPSа guarantees providing him with living premises during 3 months.


On 19 December 2001 Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don investigated theа case materials and


УTo oblige the Administration of Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don to provide Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Mikryukov with another well-equipped living premises within 3 months from the date of the judgmentТs coming into effect for the family of 5 members:а his wife R.I. Mikryukova, son E.E. Mikryukov, daughter E.E. Mikryukova, mother R.I. Mikryukova and him


The judgment of the Court was not appealed against by the parties and came into effect on 4 January 2002.


On 24а January 2002 the Kirovskiy division of the Court BailiffsТ Service initiated the enforcement procedure of the judgment ofа 19 December 2001.

The judgment of Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 has not been executed yet.





II. National legislation (extracts)


1.          Code of Civil Procedure of RSFSR (├Ёрцфрэёъшщ яЁюЎхёёєры№э√щ ╩юфхъё ╨╤╘╤╨) of 1964, valid up to 1 February 2003.


УArticle 13. Obligation of legal judgmentsа

Justice of the Peaceа and federal courts adopt legal judgments in the form of legal court orders,а decrees, decisions.

Legal judgments that came into effect Е of federal courts Е are obligatory for all State Public Authorities and Local Authorities without exception, Еofficials, private persons and judicial persons and should be executed undeviatingly over the whole territory of Russian Federation. Non-execution of these judgments as well as any other display of disrespect for the court should entail a responsibility according to the federal law.Ф


УArticle 208. Coming into force of judgments

The decision of Justice of the Peace shall become legally binding on the expiration of the time-limit for lodging a cassation appeal if no such appeal has been lodged. Ifа appeal or cassation is filedа the decision of Justice of the Peaceа or decision of the federal court unless abolished come intoа effectа after the hearing of the case in higher court.Ф


2. Code of Civil Procedure of RF, valid fromа 1 February 2003.


УArticle 13. Obligation of courtТs judgment

1. Courts adopt legal judgments in the form of legal court orders, decrees, decisions.

2. Legal judgments that came into effect as well as court orders, requests, instructions, subpoenas, addresses are obligatory for all State Public Authorities and Local Authorities, associations, officials, private persons, organizations without exception and should be executed undeviatingly over the whole territory of Russian Federation.

3. Non-execution of courtТs judgment as well as any other display of disrespect for the court should entail a responsibility according to the federal law.Ф


УArticle 209. Coming into force of judgments

1. Court judgments shall become legally binding on the expiration of the time-limit for lodging a cassation appeal if no such appeal has been lodged.

Ifа appeal is filedа the judgment of Justice of the Peace unless abolished come intoа force after the hearing of the case in district court. In case district court reverse or amendа the judgment of Justice of the Peace and the new judgment was delivered it comes into effect immediately.

Ifа cassationа is filedа the judgment of the Court unless abolished come intoа effectа after the hearing ofа the case in higher courtЕ


2.          Federal Law On Enforcement of Court Judgments Process of 21а July 1997, ╣119-FL.


УArticle 3. The bodies of enforcement


1.          The authorities of enforcement of legal judgment and acts of other bodies in Russian Federation are given to the BailiffТs Service (╤ыєцсє ёєфхсэ√ї яЁшёЄртют) and the BailiffТs Services of Administrations of Justice of Subjects of Russian Federation (╤ыєцс√ ёєфхсэ√ї яЁшёЄртют юЁурэют ■ёЄшЎшш ёєс·хъЄют ╨юёёшщёъющ ╘хфхЁрЎшш).



УArticle 13. The terms of executive activityа

1.          Executive actions should be implemented and the requirements containing in writ of execution should be executed by the court bailiff in two months term since the receipt of the writ of execution.


III. Objections to the arguments stated in Memorandum of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the Europeanа Court of Human Rights.


1. It is asserted in the Memorandum, that the claim of my principalа should be rejected under Article 35 зз 1 and 4 of the Convention.

Article 35 з1 of the Convention note:

УThe Court may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken.Ф

There is practice of the European Comission and European Court of Human Rights regarding the termа Уfinal judgment of the caseФ. The precedent law confirm thatа the final judgment of national instance is the judgment of the court of first instance that was not appealed against by the parties orа the judgment of theа cassational instance if the judgment of the court of first instance was appealed against by the parties.


Y.A. Mikryukovа complain of the long non-execution of the judgment of Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 that was notа appealed by way of cassation and therefore became final sinceа 4 January 2002, obligatory for the executionа and the enforcement was initiated on 24 January 2002.


Consequently the conclusion of the Memorandumа that Y.A. Mikryukovа still does not have the final judgmentа in his case contradict not only the Convention but the text of the Memorandum. The Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights confirm himself in з 2 page 2 of the Memorandum that the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 has not been executed yet.


I cite Ц


УAccording to information communicated by Chief Court Bailiff of the Rostov Region, the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 ordering theа administration of Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don to provide the applicantТs family comprising five members with well-equipped living premises within three months after the entry of the judgmentа into force remain unenforcedа to date


At the same time he appeal to the fact,


I cite Ц


УThis is due to the factа that for the period of time from 4 January 2002 (the date of the entry of the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don into force)Ф no flats of appropriate floor-space for five people were available. The fact is confirmedа by the registry of reports on vacated living premises in the district (a copy of the act of the official check of the execution of judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 18 November 2004 is attached herewith).Ф


First of all I draw your attention to the fact that actually the Administration of the Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don provide different categories of people who have right for living premises free of charge with living premises not only becoming unoccupied but also new living premises that are being build in the City Rostov-on-Don, that is confirmed by з1 page 2 of the Memorandum - УЕdecree of the Head of the Administration of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 28 October 2004 ╣ 1781 (a copy of the decree is attached herewith


Consequently the argument of the Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights for the impossibility of the provision with a flatа within stated period of time is based on the selective source of information Ц Уregistry of reports on vacated living premises in the district Ф,а that does not show complete information about vacated living premisesа and building living premisesа in the City of Rostov-on-Don. In support of the aforesaid I cite the information about the available living premises (attached herewith).


2. Has the new civil dispute emerged in October 2004 in case of Y.A. Mikryukov?


The authorities of Russian Federation contend that the new civil dispute emerged in October 2004 in case of Y.A. Mikryukov and final judgment for this case was notа delivered by national instances.


In support of this statement the authorities refer to the fact thatа on 25 October 2004а the Court BailiffsТ Service applied to the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don with the request toа grant postponement, change the method of and the procedure for the execution of the judgment of that court of 19 December 2001.

Y.A. Mikryukov did not consent to the application of the Court BailiffsТ Service and offered his version of the execution of the judgment of the Court in response.

The Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don by its finding of 1 December 2004 denied the Court Bailiff-executorТs request and allowed the cross-application.

The Administration of the City of Rostov-on-Don did not agree with this finding of 1 December 2004 and appealed by way of cassation against the finding.

The Court of Rostov region as the cassational court by its finding of 24 January 2005 rejected the finding of Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 1 December 2004 and remanded the case for a new investigation.


Rejecting the finding of Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 1 December 2004 the cassational court stateа that the court of the first instance left undecided the question where the plaintiffТs wife T.V. Mikryukova should live by obliging to provide Y.A. Mikryukov and his 2 children with concrete living premisesа and leaving the plaintiffТs wife T.V. Mikryukova at the previous one.аа On account of the judgment of the court of 19 December 2001 she should be provided with another living premises (not the one she had lived in before the delivery of the judgment of the court of 19 December 2001 and live in at the present moment),а thus the court of the first instance changed the essence of the judgment, that is in factа delivered the new judgment of the case that had been already decided.

The cassational instance remanded the case for a new investigation and gave imperative instruction for the court of the first instance that it would be necessary to take into consideration the aforesaid,а the procedural enforcement should be correct and the court should decide of the merits at the next trial.


In the Memorandum the authorities of the Russian Federationа considerа the fact of the delivery of the applications about the changing the method of and the procedure for the execution of the judgment of 19 December 2001 as the emerging of a new civil dispute in Y.A. MikryukovТs case and consider on that ground that my principal still does not have the final judgment of the Russian Court of his case.


In fact this is not the case.

The Court BailiffsТ Service applied to the court with the request to change the method of and the procedure for the execution of the judgment of that Court of 19 December 2001 on the account of the fact that for some years the authorities of the Russian Federationа refused to execute the judgment of the court about the providing Y.A. Mikryukov with living premises. Therefore The Court BailiffsТ Service applied to the court with the request to change the method of and the procedure for the execution of the judgment of that court by providing him not with living premises (as the court decided in 2001) but money equivalent.

It is the Court BailiffsТ ServiceТs opinion that such kind of judgment is more likely to be executed then the previous one about the provision of Y.A. Mikryukov with living premises.

3.          Evenа the Representative of the Russian Federation explain that it was not the new civil dispute that emerged in case of Y.A. Mikryukov butа the search forа presumably more favourable versions, leading to fast execution of the judgment of 19 December 2001. He refers to the Article 18 Federal Law On Enforcement of Court Judgments Process of 21 July 1997 ╣119-FL.



The representative of Russian Federation doesnТt dispute the fact that Articles 203, 434а of Code of Civil Procedureа of the Russian Federationа mentioned by him are to be used only in case ofа finding obstacles (difficulties) in execution procedure but the use of these Articles while consideration of new civil disputes between the same parties is not established.


So new civil dispute can not emerge from legal proceedings that purpose the acceleration of procedure of enforcement of the final judgment of the Court that came into force. Finallyа the cassational court confirmed it in the finding of 24 January 2005 (the copy of the finding is attached herewith).


At last we draw the attention ofа the European Court that request of the Court BailiffsТ Service to change the method of and the procedure for the execution of the judgment of that Court of 19 December 2001 to the Kirovskiy District Court took place practicallyа at onceа after MikryukovТs application about non-execution of the aforesaid judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don to European Court was communicated toа the Russian Federation authorities.аааааа

аааааааааааааааааа In our opinion it is the communicating ofа MikryukovТs application to the Russian Federation authorities that becameа one of the reasons unless the main ofа lodging of thisа application by the Court BailiffsТ service.


а3. Isа the intention ofа the authorities to provide Mikryukov Y. A.а with three-rooms flat on Blagodatnaya street in the City ofа Rostov-on-Don a full execution ofа judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001 ?


The authorities inform (quoting the Memorandum):

аааааааааааааааааа УЕthe Russian Federation authorities deemа it necessary to note that in accordance with theа decree of the Head of the Administrationа of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 28 October 2004а no. 1781а (a copy of the decree is attached herewith) applicantТsа family of four members was provided aа three-rooms flat of theа total floor-space 81.7 sq. m.а in a house on Blagodatnaya Street. Provision of a flat for four people was caused by the fact that the applicantТs mother died on 10 August 2003


ааааааааааааааааааа This information represents the facts but on this occasionа we want to informа the High Court of the following:


ааааааааааааааааа The intention to provide Y. A Mikryukov and his family of four members with living premises in the house on Blagodatnaya street in the City ofа Rostov-on-Don doesnТt correspond with the execution of the judgment of 19 December 2001 because Y. A Mikryukov was provided with living premisesа for family of four members under the judgment ofа the Kirovskiyа Districtа Court of the City ofа Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001.


аааааааааааааааааа The Russian Federation authorities inform as self-evident that they decided to provide Y. A. Mikryukov with a flat for a family of four members on Blagodatnaya street in the City of Rostov-on-Don assuming that when Y. A.а Mikryukov move to this flat the judgment of theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Court of the City ofа Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001 will be fully enforced.


аааааааааааааааааа In our opinion this is not the case.ааа


аааааааа ааааааааааThe authorities refer to the fact of death ofа Mikryukov Сs motherа on 10 ааAugust 2003. In connection with this the family of my principal that earlier included five members of the familyа includeа four members now.а Thereforeа in their opinion Y. A Mikryukov lost his right for provisionа with living premises for family of five members and he has right only for provision with living premises for family ofа four members.


ааааааааааааааааааа From his part my principal considers thatа this position ofа theа Russian Federationа authorities break the guarantees ofа Article 6 з 1 and Article 1 ofа the Protocol No. 1 to theа European Convention of Human Rights.


ааааааааааааааааааа At that we issue from the following considerations:


a) Weа remindаа to the High Court that Y. A. Mikryukov wasаа to beаа providedаа withаа the otherааа well-equipped living premises for the family of five members under the judgmentаа ofаа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtаа ofаа the City ofа Rostov-on-Donаа ofаа 19 December 2001. The date of the execution was established in the same judgment - withinаа threeа monthsаа fromааа the dayаа ofа the judgmentsТ comingаа intoааа effect.


b) The judgmentаа ofаа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Court of the City ofа Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 came into effectа onа 4 аJanuary 2002, consequently the living premise were to be at the disposal of Y. A. Mikryukov no laterа than 4а April 2002.


c) Mother of Y. A. Mikryukov died on 10 August 2003 i.e. 1 year, 4 months and 6 days afterа theаа termination ofа term of execution.


d) Evidently ifаа theааа judgment of the court hadаа been enforcedааа within the term establishedаа byа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtа orаа atаа leastа reasonable timeа Y. A. Mikryukov. withаа his familyа wouldаа have beenа living inаа the flatаа providedа forа familyаа ofаа five members now.


e)а In our opinion this behavior of the State the Russian Federationа is unfair and obviously doesnТt correspond to guarantees of Article 6а з 1 and Article 1 of theаа Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention of Human Rights.


f)аа In addition we want to inform the High Court that this flat on Blagodatnaya street in the City of Rostov-on-Don that was to provide Mikryukov Y. A. by the authorities is insufficient even for the family of four members according to the Legislation of Russian Federation.

ааааа I draw your attention to the fact that the social standard of provision with living quarters is 18 sq. m. of the total floor-spaceа per person.а But the flat provided for him with three-rooms on Blagodatnaya street ofа the total floor-spaceа 81.7 sq. m. can not be considered as the execution of the judgment ofа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtа of the City of Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001 because theа Legislation of the Russian Federation has a number ofа additional clausesа for provision with living premises as individual rooms for children of different sexes more than 9 years old. This presume availability of three-rooms (two children of different sexes more than 9 years old). It should be taken into considerationа the additional living quarters in the form of separate room that is established forа invalids of the Chernobyl. Consequently the flat provided to Mikryukov Y. A must consist of not less than 4 rooms, the average quantity of additional floor-space fot the invalid is 10 sq. m..а In that way the living premises that are provided forа the execution of the judgment ofа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtа of the City of Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001а must meet the following minimal requirements: the flat with 4 rooms, the no less than 100 sq. m , no higher than the third floor. Evidently the flat on Blagodatnaya street doesnТt correspond to the judgment of he Court in total floor-space or in number of rooms (normative basis is attached).


аааааааа So the intention of the authorities to provide Mikryukov Y. A with three-rooms flat on Blagodatnaya street in the City ofа Rostov-on-Don is not the full execution of the judgment ofа theа Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtа of the City of Rostov-on-Donа of 19 December 2001.



4. Is the responsibility to provide Mikryukov Y. A and his family of 5 membersа (according to the judgment of 19 December 2001) with living premises duty of the State Russian Federation or duty of the body of local self-government not included in the system of Russian organs of public authority?


ааааа The authorities draw the attention of the European Court that the Kirovskiyа Districtа Courtа of the City of Rostov-on-Don obliged the Administration of the Kirovskiy district of the City of Rostov-on-Don to provide Mikryukov Y. A. and his family of 5 members with living premises by the judgmentа of 19 December 2001 within 3 months from the day of coming the judgment into effect.


ааааааааа Referring toа Article 12 and Article 132 of theа Constitution of the Russian Federationа the authorities assert that the Administration of Kirovskiy District ofа the City of Rostov-on-Don is the body of local self-government not included in theа system of organs of public authority, consequently,а the State Russian Federation doesnТt have liabilities to provide Mikryukov Y. A withа living premises. Thereforeа the authorities assert that the legal position stated by the European Courtа of Human rights in case УBurdov v. RussiaФа can not be applied to Mikryukov Сs case.


аааааааааа We can not agree with this statement of the authorities on the groundа of the following :


a) Article 14 з 3 of the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS guarantees to Y.A. Mikryukov:


УOne time provision with well-equipped living premises free regardless the period of permanent residence in this inhabited locality within 3 months since filing the application subject to declaration Еdestitute in improvementа of living premisesФ.

аAt the same time Article 5 part 1 of this Law establish:

УFinancing of the costs concerning the realization of the Law is exercised by federal budget. The financing should be for a specified purpose. Ф


Consequently it follows that the duty of financing of costs concerning the provision of Y.A. Mikryukov with living premises is imposedа on the State Russian Federation.


b) Functions of body of local self-government (for Mikryukov Y. A. it is the Administration of the Kirovskiyа District of the City of Rostov-on-Don) include: taking MikryukovТs application about provisionа with living premises, checkingа ifа he comes within criteriaТs specified by the Lawа and if he really has right for receipt ofа living premisesа he will be registered as citizen who has the right of provision with free living premises within 3 months from day of filing of the application under the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS .


c) Either the Administration of the Kirovskiyа District of the City of Rostov-on-Don or the Kirovskiyа District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don, or Mikryukov Y. A. have never meant that the living premises determined at first by the Law ╣. 1244-1 CNPS and then by the judgment of the Kirovskiyа District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 must be provided at the expense ofа body of local self-government.


d) Ifа it had been that the Administration of the Kirovskiyа District of the City of Rostov-on-Don would have lodge with the application that the suit of Mikryukov Y. Aа was filed to improper respondent.


e) But the Administration of the Kirovskiyа District of the City of Rostov-on-Donа did not lodge with such an application in legal procedure or during procedure of enforcementа of the judgment of the Kirovskiyа District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001 because it understoodа thatа the responsibility imposed on her about provision with living premises under the Law and the judgmentа was financed according to the part 1 Article 5 ofа theа Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS in pursuance of the part 2 Article 132 of the Constitution of Russian Federation ,а the state institution Ц the Ministry of Finance ofа the Russian Federation.


f)а Regarding the absence of analogy ofа MikryukovТs case with the case УBurdov v. RussiaФа we remind that the object ofа BurdovТs appeal to European Court of Human Rights was the fact of non-execution of the judgment of Shakhty City Court of 3 March 1997, 21 May 1999 and 9 March 2000 by Russian Federation during long time (see УBurdov v. RussiaФ, з 36 ).



g) The money was recovered in favour of Burdov as the invalidа of Chernobyl nuclear power station disaster under the judgments ofа Shakhty City Court.


h) Shakhty City Court levied in BurdovТsа favour these amount of moneyа fromа the Administration ofа Social Security Service of City of Shakhty (see УBurdov v. RussiaФ, з 9 andа з 11).


i)а Theа organs on which the Russian courts on the grounds of the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS imposed the executionа of judgments of Nationalа Courtsа as in case of Burdov and the case of Mikryukov are the bodies of local self-government . In City ofа Shakhty it isа the Administration ofа Social Security Service of City of Shakhty, in the City of Rostov-on-Don it isа the Administration of the Kirovskiy District of City of Rostov-on-Don.


j) Soа Burdovа and Mikryukov Y. A.а realize the rightsа established by the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPSа through the bodies of local self-government. But it doesnТt mean that realization of these rights is the obligation of the bodies of local self-government to Burdovа and Mikryukov Y. A.а


k) As a matter of factа the bodies of local self-government register the citizens who haveа rights to receiveа monthly payments according to the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS and to receive provisions with the living premises. Then they send the applications for them to the Ministry of Finance of Russianа Federation that execute their financing.


l) We are quoting з 36 and 37 ofа the Resolution of the European Court of Human Rights of 7 May 2000 of case УBurdov v. RussiaФ:


У36. The Court notes that the Shakhty City CourtТs decisions of 3 March 1997, 21 May 1999 and 9 Marchа 2000 remained unenforced wholly or in part at least until 5 March 2001, when the Ministry of Financeа took the decision to pay in full the debt owed to the applicant. The Court also notes that this last payment took lace only after the application had been communicated to the Government.

37.а Byа failing for years to take the necessary measures to comply with the final judicialа decisionsа in the present case, the Russia Authorities deprived the provisions of Article 6а з 1а of the Convention of all useful effect.Ф


m) As we see in case of Burdov notwithstanding the fact that Shakhty City Court recovered in BurdovТsа favour the payments fromа the Administration ofа Social Security Service of City of Shakhty,а as a matter of fact the judgment was executed by the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federationа because it isа not the obligation of theа body of local self-government ofа City of Shakhty but obligation ofа the State ofа Russian Federation according to the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS.


n) In much the same way regarding the living premises that were awarded to Mikryukov Y. A.а by the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December 2001.а The obligation ofа financing of providing Mikryukov Y. A.а with living premisesа is imposed on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation acting on behalf of the State of Russian Federation.


o) On the grounds ofа stated above we suppose that the statement ofа theа Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights aboutа the responsibilityа of provision of Mikryukov Y. A.а with living premises awarded to him by the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don is notа responsibility of the State Russian Federation but responsibility of theа body of local self-government is wrong and doesnТt represent the facts.


p) Therefore in our opinion the legal position stated inа the Resolution of the Europeanа Courtаа ofаа Humanаа Rightsаа to case УBurdovаа v.а RussiaФ can beа fully applied in our case.


IV. Answersа toаа questionsаа ofаа theаа Europeanаа Court:

Question ofа theа Europeanа Courtаа (1) Ца Has the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don of 19 December been fully enforcedа ?


Answer: thisа judgment has not been enforced in spite of the fact that more thanа 3 years have passed after the delivery.


Question ofа theа Europeanа Courtаа (2) -а If thisа judgment has not beenа fully enforced is this fact compatible withа Article 6 of the Conventionа (see Burdov v. Russia, no. 59498/00, ECHR 2002-III).


Answer: this fact is not аcompatible withа Article 6 of the Conventionа .


Question ofа theа Europeanа Courtаа (3) Ц Ifа the judgment referred to above is not fully enforced, is its continuing non-enforcement compatible withа the applicantТs right toа Уpeaceful enjoyment of possessionsФа within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No.1 to the Convention (see Burdov v. Russia, no. 59498/00, ECHR 2002-III).


Answer: this fact is not аcompatible with applicantТs right toа Уpeaceful enjoyment of possessionsФа within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No.1 to the Convention.


Our arguments are the following

Article 1 of the Protocol ╣ 1 to the Convention

аIn Article 1 of the Protocol ╣ 1 to the Convention is said about Уpeaceful enjoyment of his possessionsФ.а Itа presumes that the obstructionа of the article 1 can take placeа in case when the propertyа or belongings was not damaged but was not given the possibilityа of freely using of this property in the Article 1 Protocolа 1 of the Convention (that is the violationа one of the three rulings logically containing in Article 1 of the Protocol 1 of the Convention (see, Case УSporrong and Lonroth v. SwedenФ//A52(1982)

It is evident that the State Russian Federation considers the claim of my principal about the provision of the flat as the УpropertyФ within the meaning of Article 1 of the Protocol 1 to the Convention.

By itТs inactivity, that continued for a long time regarding real execution of the delivered courtТs decisions the State changed the right of property on the amount due to my applicant into the fiction. That is per se it has deprived him fromа this right, made itа useless,а and in consequence this right may be considered alienable.

The violated rightа ofа demand from the courtТs decisionsа is considered by the European Court of Human Rightsа a violation of the right of property. The State broke itТs positive obligations towards the proprietor by not undertakingа actions towardsа of the CourtТs decisions execution, that awarded the recovery of fixed sum of money in favour of private person or the provision of property.


Article 6 з 1 of the Convention


The European Court note that theа right for the court includes the right for the execution of the decision of the court without ungrounded delay. However it notified that the suspending of the execution of the decision of the court for the period that is necessary for the settlement of public problems can be justified only inа extraordinary cases. At the same time the State Russian Federation did not produce any proofs of these circumstances.

The delay for more than 3 years in the execution of the judgment of the court about the provision with a flat can not be justified, it does not have any reasonable explanations.

The European Court noted that the execution of the judgment of the court can not be delayed groundlessly. (See: Judgment of ECHR of 18 June 2000 about the admissibility of the application ╣ 48757/9 V.F. Shestakova v. Russia )

By itТs inactivity, that continued for a long time regarding real execution of the delivered courtТs judgment of the provision of Mikryukov Y. A. and his family with a flatа contradict Article 6 з 1 of the Convention, this inactivity has Уdeprived him fromа effectФ, as it was in the case of Burdov.

The situation when the State suspendsа the provision with property on the grounds of Law or suspends the payment it was to make to private persons is inadmissible inа law-based state the Russian Federation is eager to be. In the case УBuffalo v. ItalyФ the state allowed the delays in payment in favour of the company of the extra taxes. The European Court noted that this situationа created the condition of uncertainty during several years, at the same time the private person did not have any means of protection. The Court declared the violation of Article 1of the Protocol ╣1 to the Convention (See: Resolution of ECHRа in the case УBuffalo v. ItalyФ of 3 July 2003).

So it should be admitted, thatа in this caseа there is the violation ofа the Article 1 of the Protocol ╣1 to the Conventionа by the Russian Federation.


The application of Article 41а of the Convention.

Article 41а of the Convention notifies: УIf the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured partyФ.


Compensation by the decision of the Court.

According to the rule 60 of theа Regulationsа ofа European Court anyа requirementа of just recoveryа should be itemed andа deliveredа in writingа along with the appropriate sustaining documents.

Weа point out to the Court, that the applicantа bore not only direct but non-property (moral) damages as a result of violationа of the Conventionа by Russian Federation, thatа took place , in our opinion. And the damages shouldа be compensatedа not only by recognition byа the State, but by money means.


Our proposals about just compensation




ааааа In the resolution of the case Poznakhirina v. Russia (application No. 25964/02) of 24 February 2005 regarding the just compensation of property damage the European Court of Human Rights declares the following:


УЕ A. pecuniary damage

33.а The Court notes that the StateТs outstanding obligation to enforce the judgment at issue is not in dispute. Accordingly, the applicant is still entitled to recover the principal amount f the debt in the course of domestic proceedings. The Court recalls that the most appropriate form of redress in respect of a violationа of Article 6 is to ensure that the applicant as far as possible is put in the position he would have been had the requirements of Article 6 not been disregarded (see: Piersack v. Belgium (Article 50), judgment of 26 October 1984,а Series Aа no. 85, p. 16, з 12 and, mutatis mutandis, Gencel v. Turkey 27, application 53431|99 з27,а 23 October 2003). The Court finds that in the present case this principle applies as well, having regard to the violations found. It therefore considers that the Government shall secure, by appropriate means, the enforcement of the award made by the domestic courts. For this reason the Court does not find it necessary to make an award for pecuniary damage in so far as it relates to the principal amount.Ф



ааааааа In the resolutive part of this Resolution of the European Court of Human Rights of case of Poznakhirina v. Russia (application No. 25964/02) of 24 February 2005а the High Court decided:




1.аа Declares the application admissibly;


аааа 2.аа Holds that there has been a violation of Article 6 з 1 of the Convention;


ааа 3.аа Holds that there has been a violation of Article 1of Protocol No. 1 toа the Convention;


ааа 4.а Holds:

a) that the respondent State, within three months from the date on which the judgment becomes final according to Article 44 з 2 of the Convention, shall secure, by appropriate means,а theа enforcement of the award made by the domestic court, and in addition pay the applicant 3,132 rurа (three thousands one hundred and thirty two roubles) in respect of pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may be chargeable;Ф


аааа I. e., the European Court in the case УPoznakhirina v. RussiaФ determined that the possibility of execution of the judgmentа for the applicant Poznakhirina was not lost and according to the Russian legislation didnТt recover pecuniary damage inflictedа to the applicant Poznakhirina by non-execution of the national judgment from the State Russian Federation, but decided that the State Russian Federation had to enforce the judgment of national instance within 3 months from day when the Resolution ofа the European Court of her case would become final according to Article 44 за 2 of the Convention.


аааа We suppose that thisа precedent may be used to define just compensation regarding the compensation of pecuniary damage and in MikryukovТs case.


ааааа Our arguments:

аааааа аThe judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don is not executed yet, nevertheless the procedure of enforcement initiated according to this judgment is not still closed and Mikryukovа Y. A. did not loose the possibility of execution of thisа judgment according to the Russian Legislation.

аааааа Therefore we suggestа as compensation of theа pecuniary damage inflictedа to Mikryukovа Y. A.а by non-execution of the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don ofа 19 December 2001:


аааааааа -аа to suggest to the State Russian Federation to provide Mikryukovа Y. A.аа with other well-equipped living premises for the family of five members according to the rules of Russian Housing Legislation within 3 months from the day when the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of his caseа becomesа final according to Article 44 з 2 of the Convention, , i. e. to return him to condition which he would have had ifа the rule of Article 6 of the Convention had not been broken.





ааааааа Being the responsible citizen and becoming aware of the scale of the disaster myа applicant voluntarily took part in liquidationа of consequences of the Chernobyl NPSТsа disaster,а he was injured by radioactive emissions.

аааааааа The state admitted its guilt regarding the health hazardа and for execution of duties of indemnification guaranteed by Articles 42 and 53 of the Constitution of Russian Federation andа according to the part 3а Article 40 of the Constitution of Russian Federation guarantying to provide not only indigent butа the broad section of persons who have executedа or executing important for the state constitutional duties with living premises, obligedа to provide family ofа Mikryukovа Y. A. with well-equipped living premisesа including additional living floor-space as separate room within three months from the day of filing of application according to Legislation.

аааааааааа To the prejudice ofа health , having done his civil dutyа Mikryukovа Y. A. became disablement and was hoping for conscientious attitude toward the duties from the organs of all branches of authority concerning his constitutional and civilа rights.

ааааааааааа However it is more than 11 years he can not receive guaranteed by the Law ╣ 1244-1 CNPS the right for a flat from the State including more than 3 years under the delivered judgment.

аааааааааааа In situation when organs created byа the State and paid by taxpayers including Mikryukovа Y. A. donТtа execute duties imposed byа society ,а my principal feels himself notа protectedа from arbitrariness of authorityаа and feelsа moral sufferings because of disfranchised existence when all his efforts are broken by inactivity of authoritative official persons as my principal considersа thinking only about interest ,а in souls and brainsа there are authoritarianism and servility and they donТt have elementary idea ofа rights of other people.

аааааааааааааа Mikryukovа Y. A. hadа suffered from non-execution of duties imposed on the State, including established by the judgment. Mikryukovа Y. A.а evaluates the compensation of damage guided by the compensations awarded in similar situationа by the European Courtа at the rate ofа 3,000.00 Eur.


аааааааааааааа Taking into consideration vastly corruptibility and bail and irresponsibility prevailing into authoritative structures, but hoping that they will execute international duties at least regarding the compensation of moral sufferings by arbitrariness to citizens, myа principalа appealed to the Proletarskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don with demand of compensation of obvious moral damage as a result of non-execution of judgment referring to the moral principals of the European Court used in cases ofа violation of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 1 of theа Protocol No. 1 to the Convention.

ааааааааааааааа By the judgment of the Proletarskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Donа of 5 April 2004 and the finding ofа cassational instance of court chamber of the Court of Rostov Region of 2 June 2004а (attached with the answer of the Court BailiffsТ service about impossibility ofа reprimand ofа penalties fromа the respondent),а Mikryukovа Y. A.а was refused in allowance of declared claims.

ааааааааааааааа Actuallyа bothа court instances accepted:

      аааabsenceа of any sufferingsа withinа long non-execution ofа judgment;

      ааааimpossibility of expansion of rules of theаа Convention toааа concerned relations;

So instead of compensation of moral expenses caused by non-execution ofа the court judgmentsа my principal received two moralаа blows such as two judgments of the courtа which in my principalТs opinion are showing degradation of legal, mental and ethical principlesа of court system of the Russian Federation. The system doesnТt admit citizenТs rights for feelingsа because of violation ofа hisа constitutional andа civil rights and for the protectionа of his rights according to the standardsа of the international law.

In the present situationа Mikryukovа Y. A. isаа discouragedа by the upcoming unwillingness of the Russian FederationТs authorities to apply the court instruments of self-regulation of relations by means of declared principal of balance of civil and state interests byа the Legislation.

My principal as far as possible is aspiringа recognition of his rights by the Russian FederationТsа authoritiesа but meets with state opposition. He isа very worriedаа byа bothа disfranchised future and disfranchised existence of his children.

It is evident thatа the refusalа of court organs of the Russian Federation in application of moral principalsа which the European Court follows can not be indifferent to Mikryukov аY. A. and give rise to worries. Such actions of court authorities of Russian Federation cause moral damage to my principal, that he evaluates the compensation of damageа at the rate ofа 5, 000.00 Eur in addition.


Summingа the above-stated I ask the European Court:


1.а To declareа Mikryukovа Y. A.а a victim of violation of Article 6а з 1 of the Protocol No. 1 to the Conventionа by Russian FederationТs authorities.

2. To make a decision about admissibility of appeal ofа Mikryukovа Y. A. according to Article 29 of theа European Convention.

3.а To induceаа the authorities of Russian Federation in order of execution of the judgment of the Kirovskiy District Court of the City of Rostov-on-Don to provide him and his family with flat for five persons.

4. To deliver the judgment according toа Articleа 41 of the Convention to oblige Russian Federation to pay off the just pecuniary compensation for the caused moral damages to my principal at the rate of 8,000.000 Eur (3,000.00+5,000.00).

5.аа To solve the question ofа the compensation by the State services of the legal adviser of the applicant.





Legal adviserааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа

аK. P. Krakovskiy


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